Fee Schedule
Payment Method: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Visa Debit, MasterCard Debit
For YOUTH only (under 18 years of age) working or volunteering with a recognized Canadian municipal, provincial or federal government (except City of Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation).
  | Criminal Record Check | Non-Refundable Fee |
1. | Government Employment | $6.72 |
2. | Government Volunteer (Must be accompanied with signed letter on organization's letterhead indicating your volunteering status) |
No Charge |
Please note: Expedited service is not available |
  | Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check | Non-Refundable Fee |
1. | Government Employment | $6.72 |
2. | Government Volunteer (Must be accompanied with signed letter on organization's letterhead indicating your volunteering status) |
No Charge |
Please note: Expedited service is not available |
  | Vulnerable Sector Check | Non-Refundable Fee |
1. | Government Employment | $6.72 |
2. | Government Volunteer | $6.72 |
Please note: Expedited service is not available |